Monday, July 21, 2003

In the face baby!!

Uni has started. Last saturday in a grading in Seapark. Got my face beaten up my Choon Ling and Garry. I've got a bruised/ bleeding lips as well as loosing a tooth. I just could carry on in the final match. Well went for a quick breakfast and rushed to the dentist.

Learnt a few things

1. I am not invincible.
Although i have the advantage of size, that doesn't mean my competitor can't be a cili padi (a whole bunch of whoop ass in a small package)

2. Be careful of the other competitor as well as my self
Karate sparring is just a sport, although it is suppose ot simulate realities of actual combat, it is point based scoring, not the number of teeth you can knock out of your opponent. Trust me after the amount of damage and blood that day, it looked like UFC(ultimate fighting championship), full contact fighting. Be aware that you're inflicting damage on another human being.

3. Use a mouth piece
Better to be uncomfortable for a moment than to suffer the loss of teeth.

4. Use a good pair of gloves for my sake as well as my competitors
Bare knuckle contact is extremely painful. Take precautions to save your knuckles from being broken and to save the opponent from damage.

5. It is just a game
It is just a game, what happens in the game is in the game. No matter what happens, don't hold grudges, and learn from mistakes (better to loose teeth in the ring rather than in real life)

Thought of the moment:
"I can't feel my tooth and my lips hurt"

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