Tuesday, April 30, 2002

Oops I did it again

Well so much for the 35%, i think i have to double my efforts for the integral portion to make up for it. Reality that in 5 weeks time we the exams has finally sunk in. Let's see if i can still maintain the no-fail record. Just spent a bomb on 2 new books, one Ogata and another is Nillson, control theory and circuit theory respectively. I think the stress level has about peaked hopefully it'll mellow down from here. I'll try to manage my sleep better.

Oh i attended church here. Interesting is the word that i could use. Well i appreciated it, there's nothing better than a religous gathering that helps calm the nerves. I just checked out the religious centre for Thevada Buddhism, nope didn't see it, well i'll find it eventually.

Well time to hit the books.

Thought of the moment:
"There are alot of people that abus the use of "a while" and "soon" "

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