Thursday, August 23, 2001


I noticed that people can't really be honest with themselves, they tend to give themselves excuses to make them feel better. Like for colleagues of mine... who by the way takes less subjects than i do, excuses are such as.... too busy, another one is "wait i'll do it next week after my foosbal tournament", and another can't even make it too uni, great partners for a project that accounts for half of a subject huh?

I hate bullshit excuses, isn't honesty the best policy?

What else is going to come out? "Couldn't do work, i'm working on Windows 96", "Gold fish ate my work"? For god's sake please admit if you don't know how to do it, or you were to lazy, or you forgot.... And please anybody who hasn't seen me in uni for the week, please stand up.

Another... feeling stressed? i better lite a ciggy or play counter strike or play diablo or drink coffee ... i suppose there are less expensive/wasteful activities like sports, meditation or even sleep. Eventually it'll become a superficial security blanket, which wastes time and money which you have nothing to show for.

So i'm a hardass when it comes to group work, and i hate conversations where i hear people wishing they had done this and done that. And i definitely hate people coming up with excuses to smoke. It's detrimental to your cash flow and to your health and shortens your life span.

Thought of the day:
" Isn't it funny how we never look at ourselves when we complain about somebody else? "

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